UX Test | User Experience Research | eye square
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Usability Test

How does the user experience your interactive product?

Get a detailed evaluation of your product / prototype by a UX test, also in comparison to competing products.
In addition to our experience, we also have extensive industry benchmarks, so that you can always measure yourself against the competition.


In a UX test, your target group uses your website/app in a task-based study. You and your team can watch live how the users get along with your product- in the lab or online. In addition, our experienced project managers work out the potential and barriers of the users in detailed interviews.


As a result, you will receive a clear overview of the usability problems, prioritized according to severity, concrete recommendations for action and a detailed description of the results with highlight videos.

UX Single user sessions (60 – 90 Min)


Sample size: N=6 to 24


In the lab, in your facility or remotely


You will receive prioritised optimisation recommendations and statements on how your product compares to the industry benchmark

Especially in an agile environment, speed and flexibility are required – with a UX Quickcheck, for example, our experts can provide prioritized recommendations for action within a few days.


Our recommendation: eye tracking for attention analysis, whether desktop or mobile: Are all relevant contents noticed, texts read? Also possible: Emotion analysis with Facial Emotion Tracking! How do your users react emotionally to your site? What delights, what annoys them?

The Classic in User Experience Research

We classify your product with our Usability Score and compare it to comprehensive industry benchmarks.

Our benchmarks are comprehensive and built over the years from various industries including Automotive, eCommerce, and Pharma.


We have seen countless websites. Draw inspiration from our action-oriented recommendations.


Agile and efficient product testing

Especially in an agile environment, speed and flexibility are required – with a UX Quick Check, our experts provide prioritized recommendations for action within a few days.


Your target group uses your website/app (and possibly a competitor’s product) in a task-based UX study. You and your team can watch live, in lab or online. Fast results, e.g. debrief session directly after the test and short report after two days, so that the user test fits into every sprint. You will receive concrete optimization suggestions from our experienced UX experts based on the problems that have occurred.


Iterative procedure and rapid prototyping: Several consecutive short tests, the product will be adapted and tested again right away. In several cycles, you develop your product close to the user through our Quick Checks.

UX Single session interviews (45-60 Min)


Sample size: N=6 (one day of testing)


In the test studio or online


Debrief session immediately afterwards


Live observation: see how participants use your product

Do you want to know more? Please contact us.

Do you want to know more? Please contact us.

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