
Why a quick, powerful and beautiful appearance will pay off Successful video ads
on social media

Smartphone Eye-Tracking Study

How to get the most attention for your video
advertising creations on social media?

This new, comprehensive smartphone-eye-tracking study shows, how long Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube video ads are really being watched, and what it looks like to create a successful smartphone ad. While it may seem like the success of advertising on these platforms can be based on rolling the dice, the reality is that successful advertising is the result of good creativity.


In addition to the data, this study give you the psychological context of how perceptual moments play out on social media. It explains the whole process of human perception, especially system 0, that can absorb stimuli and messages even at an early stage and translate them into memory and activity.

“The most interesting fact: creativity is implicit and ironically absorbed by System 0 of the digital sphere. That’s why a quick, powerful and beautiful appearance will pay off.”

In the “Fast, Bold Beautiful”-Whitepaper we tell you scientifically why, and you get the key points to remember. This eye-tracking study shares also an update on the eye square  “perception benchmark”  to better understand watch time and media ad impact.

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