

Over 3200 ads, video ads and brands tested, categorized in 18 industries

eye square has one of the world’s largest benchmark databases on user behavior at various media touchpoints. 320 studies with a total of over 340,000 participants have been examined.

media channel benchmarks

Compare your advertising media with those of your competitors.

Standardized advertising impact research

Within numerous global studies, we continuously collect a large number of standardized parameters. In addition to the classic advertising effects such as awareness (memory), image, impact, the advertising contact itself and the evaluation of the creation are also in focus of eye square research.  


Whether TV ad, print ad, video ad or online banner – we compare the performance of your touchpoints with that of your competitors and thus identify optimization potential.

Parameters in Media Benchmark

Parameters in media benchmarks

Our Industries

We also have the ability to filter our benchmarks by industries such as banking and insurance, automotive, telecommunications, etc. to create a more realistic picture and provide more accurate insights.

Top industries


288 ads


392 ads


332 ads


314 ads

Special methodology benchmarks

Understand the impact of your online advertising better by comparing your advertising media with our Eye-Tracking benchmark in terms of reach and viewing time.
Facial Expression Tracking data also provide further, deep insights into the emotionalisation potential of your TV spot or video ad.

Do you want to know more? Please contact us.

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