2014 – Markentag Award in der Kategorie ‘Beste Präsentation‘

Gemeinsame Studie mit der Leibniz Universität zum Thema: Touchpoint-Research als der Moment of Truth – Identifikation von impliziten und expliziten Markeneffekten durch multisensorisches Verpackungsdesign am PoS.

Brandtochpoints und multisensorische Markenführung sind seit einigen Jahren neue „Zauberwörter“ in der Markenführung. Zur Gestaltung von multisensorischen Markenkontaktpunkten ist aber zunächst eine zuverlässige Messung notwendig. Steffen Schmidt, Sascha Langner, Klaus-Peter Wiedmann (alle Leibnitz Universität Hannover) und Michael Schießl (eye-square Berlin) werden auf der Konferenz am Beispiel des Verpackungsdesigns den Einsatz und Aussagewert einer Methodenkombination zur Messung der Markenkontakte vorstellen.


Over the last decade, the number of brand-customer touchpoints has increased extremely (online and offline). However, still one of the most important touchpoints between customers and a brand is the experience in the “analog” world at the point of sale (PoS). This is the first moment of truth where customers get in real physical contact with the brand and evaluate it with all of their five senses.

The challenge for brand managers is to address the right brand cues at each touchpoint, but in particular at the PoS where the brand has to measure up to customers’ expectations built up by all brand contacts before. Especially sensory packaging design at the PoS can be an appropriate means to strengthen brand appearance by triggering the right brand cue information processes in a customer’s mind.

In the following paper we present two studies introducing a combined measurement approach based on explicit and implicit measures compared to a single measure. Our study results show that a combined model not only offers a higher explanatory value, but also offers a diagnostic tool to identify and test sensory product packaging and its influence on brand cue information processing.

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